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Mid West Auto Auction

Mid West Auto Auction

Mid West Auto Auction

(313) 538-2100
14666 Telegraph Road
Redford, Michigan 48239-3362
United States
Basic Listings
Sale Description: Midwest Auto Auction is one of our nations oldest most established public auto auctions. Since our founding in 1952, we have continually provided our customers with quality used cars at an affordable price. Needless to say we have gained a lot of experience and credibility over the years and have done so by selling literally tens of thousands of cars, trucks, motorcycles, RV’s, boats and much more! With over half a century of experience, when it comes to the art of selling & merchandising we know what we are doing. All of our Auctioneers are licensed, seasoned professionals, who know their craft and can read the crowd. In short, we have the tools, the talent and the know how to get the best prices for our clients, while at the same time allowing our Buyers to realize the lowest prices possible

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